Career & Technical Education Spotlight: Biomedical Science at IDEA Mays

Career and Technical Education at IDEA enhances our mission of college for all by allowing students to explore career fields that mirror the job market and landscape of our nation’s economic growth.

Students use these experiences to select the major and University that will equip them for life beyond our classrooms. IDEA currently offers 12 programs of study with coursework beginning in middle school. This February, we’re putting the spotlight on our Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers, scholars, and families that choose IDEA to prepare them for college and career.   

In Gayathiri Vega’s Biomedical Science class at IDEA Mays in San Antonio, high school students were assigned to demonstrate the DNA extraction process.  

Angel Martinez, Christian Ramos, Aracely Tijerina (not pictured: Abigail Ruiz)

Angel Martinez and his group achieved this through stop motion video.

“Although this was our first time creating a stop motion video, we took on the challenge and used our knowledge of DNA isolation to create each photo.” Martinez said.  

The group used Legos and clay to demonstrate the process of isolating DNA in a fun and creative way. Their teacher Ms. Vega says that allowing students to think outside the box is part of  IDEA’s school culture.

“The video submitted by Angel, Christian, Aracely, and Abigail is an example that a culture of achievement can foster brilliant results” Vega shared.

Check out the video below:  


Whether it’s designing floral bouquets, decoding cellular biology, or creating engaging video content, IDEA Career and Technical Education students are architects of a brighter future, Martha Gonzalez, Director of CTE at IDEA, explained.

“Career & Technical Education at IDEA creates a space for students to engage in discovery and flex their scientific skills,” Martha Gonzalez said. “CTE prepares our scholars to be innovators and scientists who will improve the lives of future generations.”  

Learn more about IDEA’s course offerings in Career and Technical Education by visiting IDEA’s CTE website. Submit your application for the 2024-25 school year here 

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