Our Veterans Day Hero: John Marquez, IDEA Brackenridge

One of our Veterans Day heroes is John Marquez, IDEA Brackenridge Facilities Team Member and veteran. Mr. Marquez joined IDEA in 2019 and was inspired by IDEA scholars to complete his bachelor’s degree after serving in the U.S. Marines.   IDEA Public Schools and the country observe Veterans Day on November 11 in celebration of […]

IDEA McAllen’s Little Shop of Team & Family

IDEA McAllen’s Fine Arts department sits in a quad of portables on campus. Walking through the campus, past the Academy building, outdoor pavilion, and College Prep building, one could miss the hustle of busy students in the school’s fine arts department, called Group 6.   This semester, 92 scholars from grades 6-12 have been investing […]

What You Should Know About McKinney Vento, A Program To Help Children Who Are Experiencing Homelessness

IDEA Public Schools would like to make families aware of the McKinney-Vento Act to support our family’s social-emotional learning and ensure everyone has the resources they need. What is considered an individual experiencing homelessness? Under the McKinney- Vento Act, “homelessness” is defined as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and/or adequate nighttime residence.” Fixed– Permanent, […]

Proudly Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month November 1-30

This month, IDEA Public Schools is proud to celebrate the rich ancestry, culture, and contributions of American Indian and Indigenous Communities during Native American Heritage Month.  This celebration is also an important opportunity to educate our community about Indigenous Tribes, raise awareness about the unique challenges Native People have faced both historically and today, and the ways in which Native American citizens have […]

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time to increase awareness and education around bullying. In 2006, National Bullying Prevention Month was founded to help prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion. This month-long event serves to help prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion.  At IDEA Public Schools, we want […]

Principals Month Spotlight: Nicholas Ditto, IDEA Rise College Prep

Principal Nicholas Ditto_1

IDEA is thrilled to celebrate National Principals Month and spotlight principals in our network that lead their campuses with integrity, deliver results, and prioritize the Team & Family experience.  National Principals Month is a collaboration between the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA), the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), and the National Association […]