IDEA Public Schools hiring staff members for 2024-2025 school year

IDEA Edinburg sophomore earns highest Boys & Girls Club honor

Valley school performance rated highest in Texas by nonprofit

Valley school performance rated highest in Texas by nonprofit, including IDEA

IDEA Public Schools Score Among the Best in Children at Risk’s 2022-2023 School Rankings

IDEA Public Schools in the Rio Grande Valley and San Antonio are celebrating outstanding achievements with high-ranking schools in the 2022-23 Children At Risk School Rankings. In the Rio Grande Valley, IDEA Quest College Preparatory ranked third best among high schools and ranked first for middle schools in the region. In San Antonio, IDEA Carver […]
IDEA Quest College Preparatory Ranks Best Middle School and Third Best High School in the RGV

Texas organization releases rankings of top public schools in the state, including IDEA

The modern CIO’s role is changing–here’s how to keep up

FETC 2024: 8 Ways K–12 Schools Can Diversify Tech Leadership

IDEA Public Schools deadline for student lottery is February 17th