Parent Resources for Social Emotional Support

Move This World

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process through which children and adults acquire and apply the skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions. The initiatives we have selected will continue to contribute to a strong school culture in which all students feel safe, supported, and valued. 


At IDEA Public schools, we use Move This World as our foundational social emotional learning program in our schools. Move This World uses fun and engaging videos to teach core social emotional skills and will help your child develop the confidence to express their feelings authentically, manage their emotions healthily and navigate challenges successfully for all grades Kinder-12th grade.

Move This World Logo

This year we will be using Move This World as our foundational social emotional learning program. Move This World uses fun and engaging videos to teach core social emotional skills and will help your child develop the confidence to express their feelings authentically, manage their emotions healthily and navigate challenges successfully.

Getting Started Guide

At IDEA Public Schools, we are committed to building the social emotional learning skills with your child in the classroom where they will watch and engage with short interactive videos at the beginning of each school day. Each video is tied to a core social emotional learning competency, including self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making skills. Move This World provides Social Emotional Learning (SEL) with the use of interactive videos, movement, and creative expression to help students, educators and families develop emotional intelligence skills for long-term wellbeing as families, you can utilize the program too! Simply begin by logging into and signing into the region in which your child attends, click the curriculum for your child’s grade level and begin Move this World!

Table of Username and Password for MTW.

What you can expect:

    • As the year progresses, you can expect and encourage your child to carry the skills they will learn through Move This World at home. They might begin to ask you some questions about how you’re feeling or how you manage stress (and they might even offer you some suggestions, too!) 
    • You’ll hear your child use Move This World vocabulary, such as: the 10 Emogers (emotional management strategies), the Emotional Building Blocks (vocabulary words focused emotions) or the Positive Pivot Scale (a framework used to respond to challenges). 
    • You might see your child experimenting with new ways to express themselves, setting new and ambitious goals for themselves or developing a new vocabulary around their emotions. 

The Mood Meter

The mood meter is a tool that we use to support our students in identifying and expressing their emotions. We believe that when students are able to identify emotions, they can then learn to manage them. In class each day (virtual or in-person), your child will have an opportunity to share with their teacher and classmates how they feel using the mood meter.

Mood Meter Graph
Mood Meter

The Mood Meter consists of four colors: red, blue, green, and yellow. Each Mood Meter color represents a different set of feelings associated with the pleasantness of the emotion and the energy it has. 

  • The red quadrant represents emotions that are unpleasant and have lots of energy, such as anger or frustration.  
  • The blue quadrant represents emotions that are unpleasant and have low or no energy, like disappointment or boredom. 
  • The green quadrant includes emotions that feel pleasant and have little or no energy like feeling peaceful or relaxed.
  • The yellow quadrant includes emotions that feel pleasant and have lots of energy, like happy or proud.

What you can expect:

You can reinforce what your child is sharing at school by using the mood meter at home.  

  • Ask your child, “What color are you feeling like today?” Depending on your child’s age, you can follow up by asking, “What word goes with that color?” 
  • Support your child in identifying words they can use to go with their color.
  • If your child is feeling red or blue, ask: “What can we do to move you to the green or yellow?” 
  • Engage in the Move this World family curriculum at home to be able to reinforce tools for supporting your child’s social emotional wellbeing.