IDEA’s Seamless Summer Meals for 2024

School’s out and summer break is in full effect! While it may be vacation time for most, our Child Nutrition Program teams across our regions are hard at work with their Seamless Summer Meals Program. 

An estimated 12.8% of American households experienced food insecurity at some point in 2022, according to the USDA. Many children across the country depend on school-provided meals to stay nourished throughout the day. These meals ensure they receive essential nutrients to remain healthy and focused. However, what happens when school is out for summer break? How does this affect these students who rely on school meals for their daily nutrition? 


At IDEA Public Schools, we are committed to helping the communities in which we serve. From June to Friday, July 26, we are offering free meals during the summer to any child in our communities aged 18 years old and younger. Whether they are IDEA students or not, all are welcome to enjoy a delicious meal consumed in our cafeterias. The offering is made possible through the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.   


Our Seamless Summer Program will include breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our cafeterias will be closed on federal holidays and the week of July 1st through July 5th. This program is offered to all campuses in all regions.  


“Our team’s purpose is ultimately to make sure all kids receive a nutritious and delicious meal so they are fueled for learning, no matter what time of year,” Fernando Aguilar, VP of Child Nutrition Program. Summer can be challenging, especially for those who are experiencing food insecurity. That is where we come into play. Through our program, all children from the community can stop by one of our campuses to receive a breakfast and lunch at no cost. We’ve been doing this for the past 12 years and will continue to do so because it is the right thing to do.”

Stay in the know with all things Child Nutrition Program and view the summer menus by following them on Facebook!



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