Career and Technical Education at IDEA enhances our mission of college for all by allowing students to explore career fields that mirror the job market and landscape of our nation’s economic growth. Students use these experiences to select the Major and University that will equip them for life beyond our classrooms. IDEA offers 12 programs of study with coursework beginning in middle school.
Teaching and Training – IDEA Mission College Prep
Hannia Arevalo from IDEA Mission College Prep earned third place in the 2022 Educators Rising Moment Competition at the Educators Rising National Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 24-27, 2022. Arevalo is the first student from IDEA Public Schools to compete in the Educators Rising Moment Competition and represent the district at the national level. “Her compelling story about why she wants to be an educator stole the hearts of the judges among the fierce competition,” explains Teacher and TAFE sponsor Jalyssa Garza, “she was able to rise and stand out! I am so proud of her!”

Are you interested in learning more about IDEA’s Career and Technical Education program? Learn more about our program by visiting us here.